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Center of Competence Sleep & Health Zurich

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Sleep & Health Zurich Symposium 2024

The Sleep & Health Zurich Symposium 2024 on May 2 provided a rich platform for experts in the field of sleep research to exchange knowledge and perspectives. We would like to thank all the speakers for their great engagement and the valuable insight into their innovative research as well as all the participants for their interest.

Junior Award 2024

At this year's Sleep & Health Zurich Symposium, the Junior Award was presented once again. We warmly congratulate Nora Moser on winning first place for her contribution titled Step by step: Investigating the influence of sleep and targeted memory reactivation on lower-limb motor skill learning. In doing so, she replaces Waleed ElGrawani, who won the Junior Award in 2023 with the presentation titled BDNF orchestrate the build-up process for local sleep.

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Unspeakable loss of a friend and community member: Steven Brown

Sad news of the sleep community leaves many speechless. Steven Brown had an accident with his private plane on the way to Europe and passed away from injuries.  The incredible loss of our highly valued community member leaves us in grief. We lose a brilliant scientist, inspiring mentor, and beloved friend. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and lab members.